About Lafin Headjoint
In May 2008, J. Rainer Lafin of Lörrach, Germany, signed an agreement with Brannen Brothers to have his headjoints made by our fine headjoint makers. Mr. Lafin came to the States and spent significant time training our headjoint makers to craft Lafin Headjoints to his exacting professional standards. These are not Lafin-style headjoints or Brannen-Lafin Headjoints; they are authentic Lafin Headjoints! There is a single style of Lafin Headjoint made with the Adler Wings. The influence of Albert Cooper and his headjoint style is shared by Brannen-Cooper® and Lafin Headjoints. While Brannen-Cooper®headjoints are based on the research and designs of Albert Cooper, J. Rainer Lafin also worked with Albert Cooper to develop his own signature design. After a period of trial and experimentation, Mr. Lafin began making his own headjoints. To this day, he regularly experiments with new ideas to improve the playing characteristics of his headjoints. As a result, the actual design of Lafin Headjoints changes slightly with some frequency in an ongoing effort to make flutes play even better. |
J. Rainer Lafin 大師竭盡畢生心血打造的完美逸品 展現無窮的音樂張力 與 無限的音色戀化
探究絕佳音準的極致巔峰 樹立頂級長笛吹口管工藝的標竿 當代大師一致的選擇
探究絕佳音準的極致巔峰 樹立頂級長笛吹口管工藝的標竿 當代大師一致的選擇